
學校對非華語兒童的支援措施 | Support for Non-Chinese Speaking Children

  • 學校對非華語兒童的支援措施
  • Support for Non-Chinese Speaking Children


1. 提升幼兒的適應能力,並為中文學習打好基礎;

2. 營造共融的校園氛圍,鼓勵幼兒從小接觸並學習與不同文化、生活習慣、語言和能力的人相處;

3. 善用專業團隊及社區資源支援幼兒及其家庭;

4. 建立多元的家校溝通模式,提升家校合作;

5. 提升教學團隊教導非華語學生的能力。


1. 透過機構的專業團隊為幼兒及其家長提供支援,並向家長介紹社區資源,使他們獲得合適的資訊和服務;

2. 透過專業培訓提升教師教授非華語幼兒的專業能力;

3. 以全校參與的模式促進幼兒的學習,實踐「共融」概念;

4. 以彈性的規則幫助幼兒適應新環境,並安排不同能力、族裔、背景、語言和興趣的幼兒一起遊戲和學習;

5. 運用適切的學與教策略:

5.1 善用多元文化的優勢,邀請家長到校向幼兒分享其文化、習俗的特色;

5.2 教師按幼兒的能力調適學習內容的學習層次,提升幼兒學習的信心;

5.3 彈性採用各種分組模式,包括:大組、小組及個別輔導,並以「增益小組」形式,鞏固幼兒學習;

5.4 採取富彈性的評估準則;

5.5 運用多元教學方法,針對學習中文的需要,運用適切的學與教策略。

6. 建立一個良好的溝通模式,讓非華語生家長能夠參與孩子的學習,鼓勵非華語生家長參加學校舉辦的活動。


* 如有需要,非華語家長可透過電郵ok@ttmssd.org或電話2321 0580聯絡學校。


  1. To enhance the adaptability of the children and to solidify their foundation in learning Chinese.
  2. Provide an ethnic-friendly culture, encouraging children to have proper exposure and learning in different cultures, lifestyles, languages and the social skills.
  3. Supporting the children and the family through utilizing professional teams and social resources.
  4. Construct a diversified communication platform with the family in order to enhance the school-family partnership.
  5. To strengthen the ability of the teams in teaching non-Chinese speaking children.


  1. Supporting the family and the children through the professional teams from the agency, by introducing the entitled social resources to ensure the family is able to receive appropriate information and services.
  2. Strengthen the teaching skills for the non-Chinese speaking children of the teachers through professional training and skills equipment.
  3. Facilitate the participation of the whole school to consolidate the culture and belief in ’Inclusion’.
  4. Maintain a proper flexibility of the rules in order to facilitate the adaptation of children into the new environment through coordinating the co-learning experience with children in different ethnicss, backgrounds, languages and abilityies.
  5. Adopting appropriate strategies in learning and teaching.
    1. Take advantage of the cultural varieties, we invites family to have sharing to the children about the characteristics of their cultures and living styles.
    2. Teachers will make adjustments upon their ability so as to raise their confidence.
    3. Being flexible in using groups for developments such as big group, small group and individual counselling, in additional to the ‘enrichment group’ to consolidate their learning.
    4. Adopting a high flexibility in the assessment standards.
    5. Targeting the needs in learning Chinese, we adopt appropriate strategies in learning and teaching in order to facility a robust foundation through a diversified teaching techiniques.
  6. Develop an effective platform so that the parents are included in the learning process of the children such as inviting parents to join the school activities.

* For further inquiries from non-Chinese speaking’s parents, please contact the school via email (ok@ttmssd.org) or telephone (2321 0580).